Monday 1 December 2008

Scary Santa

hello again, another delayed blog but i think enough has happened now to justify a quick-ish update. Hope you are all doing good. Its been a really good week in Adelaide this last week. The weather picked up and was pretty nice mainly bar the odd dull day. In fact today I got my first sunburn (and least i look like a pom now). Firstly, before i forget, lots of people keeping asking for our address and the first one i gave out was incorrect so for the record our address is
Apt 13
158 Archer Street
North Adelaide 5006
So far the post has been taking about 7 days in both directions. Many thanks to the grandparents for the pressies that have been keeping Dylan entertained.

So its been another nice week. Dylan has actually been in cracking form. The teeth had a few days rest from coming through and it seemed to make all the difference. In fact Emma and I pretty much spent all the week just watching him and laughing. He has taught himself to spin around until he falls over dizzy, no idea why but its funny. He has had a great time doing lots of swimming (indoor and out - see pic) and playing outside in the many parks that Adelaide has to offer. The parks here really are great, loads of them, lots of kiddy play things, mainly shaded and with free public bbq's for the parents. They are often full with kiddy parties and it seems much better than the 'wacky warehouse' style parties at home. Dylan has learnt lots of words again including 'boing boing' for a kangeroo and 'cheeeeeese' whenever he sees a babybel (he is addicted to these). The one bad thing he has learnt is his new game of throwing things in the bath or down the loo including house keys, towels and toilet rolls. He finds this especially hilarious. He also did 2 sessions in the creche at the gym which bodes well for the future and meant that Emma could go to the gym at a decent time instead of at 8pm when she is knackered.

We have now been here about 6 weeks which is the longest break from the UK we have ever had and the weird thing is that it doesnt really feel like a holiday anymore, in fact it sort of feels like we live here now. As a family life is great out here, lots to do and see all the time, the weather really helps of course. I think coming home will be really hard for all of us, especially after dad showed us the street view of early morning Britain in December. But rest easy we will obviously be coming back. I think living out here for good would probably be quite different, although we have both been surprised how much we have enjoyed things so far.

For me there were two main events in work this week. Saoirse, my researcher from the U.K. was here so I spent most of my time with her which was nice as work is sometimes pretty quiet. She is fairly easy going so we got on well even if I did have to work a little harder (about time probably). The other big news was I heard from Nottingham that I won a grant worth £250K which is great and will certainly be something to look forward to when i get back (from a work perspective obviously). I also got my first xmas party invite for in a few weeks time. Its a bit different to back home - a gourmet bbq by the river - sounds good to me though.

At the weekend we chilled out around Adelaide mainly. We had a trip to the Central Markets to stock up on fruit and visited the Chinatown. We also went to this brilliant outdoor swimming complex that we pretty much had to ourselves as it was only 25 degrees and too cold for the aussies. Today (monday) we took Dylan to see Santa at David Jones (aussie John Lewis). This was our third attempt as each other time the queue was +2hrs. Today we got there when it opened and there were people already there who ran in once the store opened ! Anyway we got to see Santa (for £15!) so Dylan could have a picture that we could send back. However as soon as he seen him he grabbed me for dear life and pretty much didnt stop crying until we left bar a 2 second interval when the photographer managed to take a pic - now that's skill ! He was shaking for a while afterwards as well, must have been the beard! After that I went to my first cricket match with Ann's husband Murray (yes, i know, that means i skipped work). It was really good actually (bar the sunburn) with Australia bowling New Zealand out in a day. Only £6 to get in and after lunch they made it free entry so Dylan and Emma came along too. Fairly sure a similar event back home would cost much more.

So that's about it really. Nice week, lots of fun, nothing spectular but all doing well and having a generally great time. Its not so christmassy but that isnt for a want of trying with all the decorations. Perhaps you just need it to be cold and dark to feel christmassy? Not sure what's on the agenda for this week. More work for me as this is Saoirse's last week. Think Em and Dylan are doing kindergym and the beach - thankfully the shopping calmed down a little last week :) So until next time cheerio, Sacha, Emma & Dylan x

PS if you read this, why not leave a comment or ask us a question or something - at least we can see if anyone actually reads this !

PPS our skype contact list is pretty big now (we're not bragging, honest) , and the times to speak are quite short so apologies if you call and we are engaged.


Unknown said...

I read it. Just as good as Griz's blogs!
Amelie is mad for the Babybels as well.

Sacha said...

just as good as 'griz's' ??? thanks !!! :)